Friday, October 1, 2010

Blue Cows?

Bule Cows?
Rob Waring, Series Editor
Level 4

Farmers in India are having a serious problem. A local animal is eating their food. However, the farmers cannot hurt the animal because it has a special name. How can a name protect an animal? What will the farmers do?

I heard the name nilgai which means blue cow for the first time. It is interesting that nil means blue and gai means cow. It is very difficult for people and animals in India to live together happily. Agriculture is an important part of the economy. In Japan, some of animals have decreasing. Because people cut down trees, animals can live no longer and move somewhere or die. Every time I read or watch the news like the problem between people and animals, I think we can make ourselves understood to animals and understand what animals think.
(142 words)

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